Patents for John Stark |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
47,997 | May 30, 1865 | J. Stark | Turning Lathe | metal lathes |
79,700 | Jul. 07, 1868 | J. Stark | Pruning Hook | pruning implements |
141,824 | Aug. 12, 1873 | J. Stark | Improvement of Watchmakers Lathe Chucks | metal lathe chucks |
252,103 | Jan. 10, 1882 | C. Hammelmann | Portable Forge | blacksmith |
387,481 | Aug. 07, 1888 | G. Almorth | Protractor | protractors |
388,927 | Sep. 04, 1888 | J. Stark | Anti Friction Adjustable Bearing for Lathe Spindles | metal lathes |
CA-30,575 | Jan. 16, 1889 | P. Jardine, J. Jardine | Tube expander | |
410,282 | Sep. 03, 1889 | P. Jardine, J. Jardine | Pipe-expander | pipe and tube expanders |
422,259 | Feb. 25, 1890 | J. Stark | Anti Friction Bearing for Draw in Spindles | metalworking machine bearings |