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Patents for Charles Miller
Patents 1 - 15 of 19
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
16,064Nov. 11, 1856C. MillerCutting Filesfiles
23,852May 03, 1859C. MillerRotary Steam Enginerotary steam engines
361,536Apr. 19, 1887C. MillerMethod of uniting the ends of band-sawssawblades
461,032Oct. 13, 1891C. MillerImproved Wrench for Screwing and Unscrewing Pipes or Anything Roundself-adjust wrenches
625,341May 23, 1899C. Miller, F. LombardCombined Lock and Wrenchwrench combination tools
CA-66,782Mar. 27, 1900C. MillerRotary Steam Enginerotary steam engines
845,716Feb. 26, 1907C. MillerRatchet Wrenchratchet wrenches
845,717Feb. 26, 1907C. MillerSocket Wrenchwrench sockets
853,930May 14, 1907C. MillerRatchet Wrenchratchet wrenches
887,415May 12, 1908C. MorganMethod of making sand molds
909,439Jan. 12, 1909C. MillerBelt Carrierindustrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms
924,173Jun. 08, 1909C. MillerRotary Enginerotary steam engines
931,785Aug. 24, 1909C. MillerRotary Steam Enginerotary steam engines
952,435Mar. 15, 1910C. MillerSocket Wrenchwrench handle components
952,436Mar. 15, 1910C. MillerRatchet Wrenchratchet wrenches
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