Patents for Charles Miller |
Patents 1 -
of 19
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
16,064 | Nov. 11, 1856 | C. Miller | Cutting Files | files |
23,852 | May 03, 1859 | C. Miller | Rotary Steam Engine | rotary steam engines |
361,536 | Apr. 19, 1887 | C. Miller | Method of uniting the ends of band-saws | sawblades |
461,032 | Oct. 13, 1891 | C. Miller | Improved Wrench for Screwing and Unscrewing Pipes or Anything Round | self-adjust wrenches |
625,341 | May 23, 1899 | C. Miller, F. Lombard | Combined Lock and Wrench | wrench combination tools |
CA-66,782 | Mar. 27, 1900 | C. Miller | Rotary Steam Engine | rotary steam engines |
845,716 | Feb. 26, 1907 | C. Miller | Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
845,717 | Feb. 26, 1907 | C. Miller | Socket Wrench | wrench sockets |
853,930 | May 14, 1907 | C. Miller | Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
887,415 | May 12, 1908 | C. Morgan | Method of making sand molds | |
909,439 | Jan. 12, 1909 | C. Miller | Belt Carrier | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
924,173 | Jun. 08, 1909 | C. Miller | Rotary Engine | rotary steam engines |
931,785 | Aug. 24, 1909 | C. Miller | Rotary Steam Engine | rotary steam engines |
952,435 | Mar. 15, 1910 | C. Miller | Socket Wrench | wrench handle components |
952,436 | Mar. 15, 1910 | C. Miller | Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |