Patents for Robert C. Totten |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
52,244 | Jan. 23, 1866 | C. Forster | Improvement in Lathes for Turning Spherical Shot and Shell | cannons |
561,305 | Jun. 02, 1896 | J. Barrett | Tool For Handling Drill Bits, etc. | wrenches |
640,831 | Jan. 09, 1900 | C.H. Tebbetts | Monkey Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
651,313 | Jun. 05, 1900 | R. Lowe | Oil Can | oil cans |
684,452 | Oct. 15, 1901 | K.O. Muehlberg | Beam Compass | trammels |
758,526 | Apr. 26, 1904 | W. Goldie | Rail-joint bridge-piece | |
825,648 | Jul. 10, 1906 | J.F. Haworth | Violin-Makers' Calipers | calipers |
953,346 | Mar. 29, 1910 | J. Newbauer | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
1,254,141 | Jan. 22, 1918 | C.A. Humphreys | Gage | gauges |