Patents for John Clark |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
455X | May 19, 1803 | J. Clark | Machine for pumping | plumber |
472X | Jul. 20, 1803 | E. Evans, J. Clark | Machine for packing goods | packing and packaging machines |
98,925 | Jan. 18, 1870 | J. Clark | Pipe Tong | pipe tongs |
143,439 | Oct. 07, 1873 | H. Crumlish | Bellows for Furnaces | blacksmith |
356,986 | Feb. 01, 1887 | J. Clark | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
367,596 | Aug. 02, 1887 | J. Clark | Pipe Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |
377,668 | Feb. 07, 1888 | J. Clark | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
424,858 | Apr. 01, 1890 | J. Clark | Wrench | pipe wrenches |