Patents for James Shepard |
Patents 16 -
of 45
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
206,507 | Jul. 30, 1878 | J.A. Traut | Stanley Hollow and Rounds | combination planes |
231,454 | Aug. 24, 1880 | A. Shepard | Wrench | wrench handle components |
307,252 | Oct. 28, 1884 | A.H. Armstrong | Bit-holder | brace chucks |
309,887 | Dec. 30, 1884 | A. Shepard | Ratchet brace with side levers | ratchet braces |
310,964 | Jan. 20, 1885 | R. Steele | Marking-Gage | marking gauges |
314,311 | Mar. 24, 1885 | W.J. Bayrer | Machine for folding sheet metal | sheet metal brakes |
320,172 | Jun. 16, 1885 | S. Robinson | Wrench | nut wrenches |
334,283 | Jan. 12, 1886 | H.A. Randall | Copper-Tipped Hammer | mallets |
365,031 | Jun. 14, 1887 | J.A. Traut | Trammel-Point | trammels |
376,843 | Jan. 24, 1888 | E.A. Alpress | Taper Attachment for Lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
378,854 | Feb. 28, 1888 | J.A. Traut | Grooving and boxing tool for carriage makers | scratch beaders |
397,449 | Feb. 05, 1889 | J.A. Traut | Bottle Stopper | |
410,163 | Sep. 03, 1889 | F. Holland | Micrometer Gage | micrometers |
431,086 | Jul. 01, 1890 | J.A. Traut | Bottle Opener | cork extractors |
431,859 | Jul. 08, 1890 | J.A. Traut | Key chain | |