Patents for Samuel Payne |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
855,982 | Jun. 04, 1907 | W.A. Rich | Combination Wrench and Can Opener | jar wrenches |
873,437 | Dec. 10, 1907 | H. Jeffrey | Wrench | wrench jaw components |
885,003 | Apr. 14, 1908 | C.E. Hawkins | Improved Monkey Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
886,084 | Apr. 28, 1908 | F.C. Miller, H.B. Sohn | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
939,879 | Nov. 09, 1909 | L.G. Van Ormer | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
946,399 | Jan. 11, 1910 | H.E. Rhoads | Shaper and Planer | metal shapers |
949,557 | Feb. 15, 1910 | S.A. Whetzel | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
964,314 | Jul. 12, 1910 | W.M. Potter | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
970,209 | Sep. 13, 1910 | B.W. Fresko, A. Fresko | Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
970,365 | Sep. 13, 1910 | B.F. Bain | Jar Holder | jar wrenches |
983,628 | Feb. 07, 1911 | R.D. Lindsay | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
999,034 | Jul. 25, 1911 | D.P. Kahle | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
1,006,185 | Oct. 17, 1911 | C. Dillhoff | Valve Releasing Tool | valve spring tools |
1,078,426 | Nov. 11, 1913 | G.M. Gealy | Pipe Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |