Patents for John Johnson |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
836X | Mar. 19, 1808 | J. Johnson | Water wheel | water wheels |
5,124X | May 24, 1828 | F. Brewster, J. Johnson | Press for making oil out of flaxseed | flax and hemp machines |
5,413X | Mar. 27, 1829 | W. Cole, J. Johnson | Machine or apparatus to prevent wind, water, dust, and snow from driving under outer and inner doors, into entry ways and rooms, called a water and snow fender for doors | household tools |
5,894 | Oct. 31, 1848 | J. Johnson | Hand-drill | hand drills |
62,137 | Feb. 19, 1867 | J. Johnson | Improvement in Pipe-Tongs | pipe tongs |
143,412 | Oct. 07, 1873 | N.C. Hubbell | Machines for Making Metal Screws | screw machines |
280,073 | Jun. 26, 1883 | A. Nimmo | Calipers | calipers |
311,692 | Feb. 03, 1885 | J.C. Trullinger | Insertable saw-tooth | insertable saw teeth |
371,762 | Oct. 18, 1887 | J. Johnson | Chuck | metal lathe chucks |
478,948 | Jul. 12, 1892 | A. Bareis | Pipe Wrench | alligator wrenches |
504,172 | Aug. 29, 1893 | J. Johnson, F.A. Pratt | Roll Grooving Machine | metal planers |
598,203 | Feb. 01, 1898 | J. Johnson | Lock and Wrench | wrench combination tools |
857,242 | Jun. 18, 1907 | J. Johnson | Axle Spindle Turning Machine | axle cutters and threaders |
1,300,210 | Apr. 08, 1919 | E.J. Cady | Micrometer Caliper | micrometers |