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Patents for John Johnson
Patents 1 - 14 of 14
First set of recordsLast set of records
836XMar. 19, 1808J. JohnsonWater wheelwater wheels
5,124XMay 24, 1828F. Brewster, J. JohnsonPress for making oil out of flaxseedflax and hemp machines
5,413XMar. 27, 1829W. Cole, J. JohnsonMachine or apparatus to prevent wind, water, dust, and snow from driving under outer and inner doors, into entry ways and rooms, called a water and snow fender for doorshousehold tools
5,894Oct. 31, 1848J. JohnsonHand-drillhand drills
62,137Feb. 19, 1867J. JohnsonImprovement in Pipe-Tongspipe tongs
143,412Oct. 07, 1873N.C. HubbellMachines for Making Metal Screwsscrew machines
280,073Jun. 26, 1883A. NimmoCaliperscalipers
311,692Feb. 03, 1885J.C. TrullingerInsertable saw-toothinsertable saw teeth
371,762Oct. 18, 1887J. JohnsonChuckmetal lathe chucks
478,948Jul. 12, 1892A. BareisPipe Wrenchalligator wrenches
504,172Aug. 29, 1893J. Johnson, F.A. PrattRoll Grooving Machinemetal planers
598,203Feb. 01, 1898J. JohnsonLock and Wrenchwrench combination tools
857,242Jun. 18, 1907J. JohnsonAxle Spindle Turning Machineaxle cutters and threaders
1,300,210Apr. 08, 1919E.J. CadyMicrometer Calipermicrometers
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