Patents for William H. Smith |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
15,985 | Oct. 28, 1856 | W.H. Smith | Machine for Husking Corn | corn huskers |
18,358 | Oct. 06, 1857 | W.H. Smith | Improved Corn Husker | corn huskers |
23,870 | May 03, 1859 | W.H. Smith | Rotary planing-machine | wood planers |
77,225 | Apr. 28, 1868 | R.S. Eddy, W.H. Smith | Shaping Key-Seats | key seating machines |
242,656 | Jun. 07, 1881 | W.H. King | Bit-gage | drill depth stops |
299,619 | Jun. 03, 1884 | W. Carson | Shingle-jointing machine | shingle machines |
601,210 | Mar. 22, 1898 | S.E. Maxwell | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |