Patents for Henry Palmer |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
87,972 | Mar. 16, 1869 | H. Richter | Gas Plier | pipe tongs |
89,466 | Apr. 27, 1869 | W.D. Chase | Pipe Cutting Machine | pipe cutting machines |
93,892 | Aug. 17, 1869 | J. Laurent | Machine for Turning Watch Cases | watchmakers lathes |
94,870 | Sep. 14, 1869 | W.A. Clark | Improved Washer-Cutter | washer cutters |
95,847 | Oct. 12, 1869 | D.M. Somers | Securing Buttons To Fabrics | pliers |
104,693 | Jun. 28, 1870 | T.J. Burgess | Corn Husker | corn huskers |
104,790 | Jun. 28, 1870 | O. Taff | Improvement in floor-clamp | floor clamps |
107,363 | Sep. 13, 1870 | A. Hamlin | Improved trip motion for presses, &c. | punch presses |