Patents for William A. Morgan |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
79,049 | Jun. 23, 1868 | D.W. Ayres | Improved Device for Grinding Tools | tool grinders |
80,242 | Jul. 21, 1868 | S.J. Tongue | Mincing Cleaver | |
80,327 | Jul. 28, 1868 | B.F. Bee | Turning Lathe | metal lathes |
80,649 | Aug. 04, 1868 | B.F. Merrill | Improvement in Gauges | special purpose gauges |
81,048 | Aug. 11, 1868 | A.W. Whitney | Tinsmith's Stake | tinsmith |
81,335 | Aug. 25, 1868 | G. Buckel | Two-Piece Plane with Sprung Depth Control | plane cutter adjustments |
83,832 | Nov. 10, 1868 | D. Codd | Corn Sheller | miller |
83,963 | Nov. 10, 1868 | G.W. Reisinger, W.O. Hickok | Improved Tool Holders for Lathes | lathe tools |
85,624 | Jan. 05, 1869 | H. Tilden | Wrench | wrench jaw components |
86,741 | Feb. 09, 1869 | W. Dutton | Improvement in Combined Planer and Scraper | box scrapers |
88,367 | Mar. 30, 1869 | S.S. Cole | Corn Sheller | miller |
93,212 | Aug. 03, 1869 | H. Reiss, A.J. Lutz | Milling Tool | milling machine cutters |