Patents for J. McKenney |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
82,786 | Oct. 06, 1868 | N.W. Bancroft | Improved gas-machine | |
83,618 | Nov. 03, 1868 | E.T. Ford | Improvement In A Carriage-Wrench | axle nut wrenches that lock nut to wheel hub |
88,981 | Apr. 13, 1869 | T.T. Prosser | Improvement in machines for heading bolts | |
RE3,517 | Jun. 22, 1869 | A.C. Gallahue | Improved machine for pegging boots and shoes | shoe and boot making machines |
92,438 | Jul. 13, 1869 | E.T. Ford | Carriage Wrench | axle nut wrenches that lock nut to wheel hub |
139,769 | Jun. 10, 1873 | W.A. Clark | Improvement in Ice-Augers | auger bits |
141,324 | Jul. 29, 1873 | W.A. Clark | Improvement in Expansive Bits | adjustable drill bits |