Patents for W. W. Rice |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
15,413 | Jul. 29, 1856 | E.C. Cleveland | Planing Metal | metal planers |
20,999 | Jul. 27, 1858 | I. Gibbs | Stock for holding cutters in Daniels planer | cutterheads |
31,449 | Feb. 19, 1861 | S.T. Field | Process for manufacturing wooden eaves-troughs and piping | specialty woodworking machines |
44,283 | Sep. 20, 1864 | E.C. Cleveland | Improvement in spinning-machines | |
62,987 | Mar. 19, 1867 | J.B. Alden | Brush | brushes or brooms |
67,953 | Aug. 20, 1867 | E.C. Cleveland | Improved Centrifugal Machine or Hydro-Extractor | sugar refining apparatus |
86,211 | Jan. 26, 1869 | E.C. Cleveland, J.M. Bassett | Improvement in carding-engine | |
102,371 | Apr. 26, 1870 | A.G. Coes | Improvement in Pipe Tongs | pipe tongs |
104,931 | Jul. 05, 1870 | A.G. Coes | Improved Machine for Forging the Heads of Wrenches | tool making machines |