Patents for C. W. Miles |
Patents 1 -
of 20
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
417,537 | Dec. 17, 1889 | G.W. Bugbee | Oscillating saw-frame | circular crosscut saws |
426,860 | Apr. 29, 1890 | S. Ross, Jr. | Sand-paper machine for boots or shoes | sanding machines |
426,862 | Apr. 29, 1890 | S. Ross, Jr. | Sand-paper roll | sanding machines |
431,997 | Jul. 08, 1890 | S. Ross, Jr. | Sand-paper | sanding machines |
459,700 | Sep. 15, 1891 | E.E. Euchenhofer | Candy-mold | |
470,357 | Mar. 08, 1892 | G.W. Bugbee, F. Danner | Rip-saw machine | circular ripsaws |
470,358 | Mar. 08, 1892 | G.W. Bugbee, F. Danner | Planing-machine table | wood planers |
470,359 | Mar. 08, 1892 | G.W. Bugbee, F. Danner | Planing-machine | wood planers |
489,317 | Jan. 03, 1893 | A. Mill | Tapping attachment for drills | tapping machines |
557,031 | Mar. 24, 1896 | W.L. Schellenbach | Engine Lathe | engine lathes |
795,420 | Jul. 25, 1905 | W.L. Schellenbach | Key-seating tool | key seating machines |
898,667 | Sep. 15, 1908 | J.I. Melton | Combination Tool | combination tools |
996,443 | Jun. 27, 1911 | O.C. Wysong | Sandpapering-machine | sanding machines |
1,000,442 | Aug. 15, 1911 | W.L. Schellenbach | Lathe | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
1,100,259 | Jun. 16, 1914 | W.L. Schellenbach | Taper attachment for lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |