Patents for Nathan Stephens |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,319 | Dec. 20, 1845 | J. Ball | Machinery for riveting pipes | riveting machines |
67,080 | Jul. 23, 1867 | N. Stephens | Improved tap for cement-lined pipes | pipes |
87,985 | Mar. 16, 1869 | A.P. Stephens | Improved rotary metal-cutter | cutters |
94,146 | Aug. 24, 1869 | M. Stephens | Improvement in joints for cement-pipes | pipes |
96,282 | Oct. 26, 1869 | A.P. Stephens | Improved base for bench-vises | bench vises |
RE4,980 | Jul. 16, 1872 | M. Stephens | Improvement in joints for cement-pipes | pipes |
155,473 | Sep. 29, 1874 | N. Stephens | Improvement in cement-lined pipes | pipes |
319,144 | Jun. 02, 1885 | N. Stephens, M.L. Ritchie | Method of utilizing old boiler-tubes | |