Patents for Samuel Miller |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
GB-177,701,152 | Apr. 11, 1777 | S. Miller | Machine for sawing wood, stone, and ivory | circular saws |
GB-180,302,689 | Mar. 16, 1803 | S. Miller | Applying repelling force of nature to give impulse to any body of motion | woodworking power transmission |
6,777X | Sep. 29, 1831 | J. Cole, S. Miller | Manufacturing barrels | cooper |
19,608 | Mar. 09, 1858 | W. Gates, Jr., S. Miller | Match-machine | match making machines |
667,846 | Feb. 12, 1901 | S. Miller | Explosion Engine or Motor | internal combustion engines |