Patents for Bengt M. W. Hanson |
Patents 31 -
of 72
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
867,198 | Sep. 24, 1907 | A.E. Thayer, B.M. Hanson | Foot Stock | cylindrical grinders |
876,543 | Jan. 14, 1908 | B.M. Hanson | Friction Clutch | metalworking machine mechanisms |
909,893 | Jan. 19, 1909 | B.M. Hanson | Bearing Guard | |
912,124 | Feb. 09, 1909 | B.M. Hanson | Fluid Pressure Indexing Mechanism | indexers and dividers |
921,983 | May 18, 1909 | B.M. Hanson | Indexing Mechanism | turret lathes |
921,985 | May 18, 1909 | B.M. Hanson | Mechanism for shifting the cross-slides of lathes | metal lathes |
945,387 | Jan. 04, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Metal-working machine | turret lathes |
945,453 | Jan. 04, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Mechanism for actuating cross-slides | metal lathes |
945,454 | Jan. 04, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Feed Arresting Device | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
945,455 | Jan. 04, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Reducing-machine | milling machines |
945,456 | Jan. 04, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Metal-working machine | metal lathes |
948,697 | Feb. 08, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Gearing | industrial machine gearing |
948,698 | Feb. 08, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
963,144 | Jul. 05, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
965,893 | Aug. 02, 1910 | B.M. Hanson | Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |