Patents for W. F. Kircher |
Patents 1 -
of 18
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
210,383 | Nov. 26, 1878 | J.A. White | Pipe-Tong | pipe tongs |
229,581 | Jul. 06, 1880 | J. Böning | Ear Piercer | pliers |
233,640 | Oct. 26, 1880 | G.W. Pressey | Velocipede | bicycles and tricycles |
233,752 | Oct. 26, 1880 | W.D. Herschel | Scroll-sawing machine | scrollsaws |
254,807 | Mar. 14, 1882 | J.B. De Young | Machine for Disintegrating Corn Husks, &c. | |
264,959 | Sep. 26, 1882 | L.O. Orton, L.H. Berry | Planing-machine | wood planers |
267,709 | Nov. 21, 1882 | P. Nadig | Screw Driver | screwdriver blades |
276,793 | May 01, 1883 | W. Phillips, R. Erdman | Combination Pliers, Hammer, Screwdriver, etc. | combination tools |
279,722 | Jun. 19, 1883 | G.W. Davenport | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
295,204 | Mar. 18, 1884 | A. Modery, F.A. Schramm | Pipe Wrench | self-adjust wrenches |
295,962 | Apr. 01, 1884 | A.J. Walter | Corkscrew | self and partial cork pullers |
297,640 | Apr. 29, 1884 | F. Schmemann | Wrench | pipe wrenches |
D15,567 | Nov. 18, 1884 | W.S. Skinner | Design for a Hatchet | axes |
328,270 | Oct. 13, 1885 | J. Williamson | Pipe Wrench and Cutter | pipe wrenches |
329,221 | Oct. 27, 1885 | F.A. Schramm | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |