Patents for Benaiah Fitts |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
17,963 | Aug. 11, 1857 | B. Fitts | Improvements in the arrangement of feed-rolls for wood-planing machines | wood planers |
23,240 | Mar. 15, 1859 | B. Fitts | Method of operating feed-rollers for planing-machines | wood planers |
23,763 | Apr. 26, 1859 | B. Fitts | Method of adjusting knives of rotary cutter-heads for planing wood | cutterheads |
25,005 | Aug. 09, 1859 | B. Fitts | Improvement in governor-valves | steam check valves |
29,369 | Jul. 31, 1860 | B. Fitts | Improved planing-machine | wood planers |
72,618 | Dec. 24, 1867 | B. Fitts | Improvement in planing-machines | wood planers |
72,619 | Dec. 24, 1867 | B. Fitts | Planing and matching machine | wood planers |
109,372 | Nov. 22, 1870 | P. Ball, B. Fitts | Improvement in liquid-meters | |
178,829 | Jun. 13, 1876 | B. Fitts | Improvement in water-meters | water meters |