Patents for Edmond F. Brown |
Patents 1 -
of 51
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
17,506 | Jun. 09, 1857 | S. Hauck | Carriage-brake | carriage brakes |
17,518 | Jun. 09, 1857 | G.W. Rodeboy | Shield and guide for circular saws | circular sawmills |
18,909 | Dec. 22, 1857 | W. Kenyon | Screw-cutting machine | nut or bolt making machines |
19,492 | Mar. 02, 1858 | O.K. Collins | Machine for cutting the molding for sash | window making machines |
21,782 | Oct. 12, 1858 | J. Sperry | Rotary planing-cutter | cutters |
23,327 | Mar. 22, 1859 | W.P. Valentine | Shingle-machine | shingle machines |
23,835 | May 03, 1859 | J.W. Elliott | Machine for filing gin-saws | saw sharpening machines |
27,628 | Mar. 27, 1860 | R.K. Hawley | Circular saw for resawing and sawing veneers | veneer machines |
41,464 | Feb. 02, 1864 | F.F. Smith | Improvement in Cooling and Tempering Cast Steel Plow Plates | plows |
42,011 | Mar. 22, 1864 | W. Morton | Improvement in Drilling Machines | drill presses |
RE2,039 | Jul. 25, 1865 | T. Silver | Improvement in steam-engine governors | steam engine governors |
51,435 | Dec. 12, 1865 | D. Drawbaugh | Improvement in nail-plate feeders | |
51,660 | Dec. 19, 1865 | M.V. Nobles | Bit holders for braces | brace chucks |
54,311 | May 01, 1866 | L. Dodge | Improvement in machinery for hammering heads of axes | tool making machines |
62,020 | Feb. 12, 1867 | J.E. Emerson | Improvement in saws | saw teeth |