Patents for Edward Brown |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,106X | Oct. 01, 1830 | E. Brown | Lamp Reflector | lamps |
9,207X | Oct. 28, 1835 | E. Brown | Locking number of drawers | household tools |
54,694 | May 15, 1866 | R. Cox | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
61,485 | Jan. 22, 1867 | W.H. Van Gieson | Improved cork-screw | mechanical cork extractors |
98,698 | Jan. 11, 1870 | A.B. Lipsey | Wrench | screw adjust wrenches |
155,333 | Sep. 22, 1874 | W.L. Parmelee | Improvement in expansion-bits | adjustable drill bits |
174,927 | Mar. 21, 1876 | J.S. Stewart | Pipe Tongs and Cutter | wrench jaw components |
CA-20,743 | Dec. 15, 1884 | E. Caswell | Hub borer | wheelwright |
494,244 | Mar. 28, 1893 | E. Brown | Pyrometer | temperature gauges |