Patents for Francis A. Pratt |
Patents 1 -
of 24
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
29,939 | Sep. 04, 1860 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in devices for stopping and changing motion | |
33,816 | Nov. 26, 1861 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in stopping and changing motion | |
36,479 | Sep. 16, 1862 | F.A. Pratt | Tool-rest for turning-lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
40,082 | Sep. 22, 1863 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in attaching pumps to bungs of barrels | |
40,276 | Oct. 13, 1863 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in apparatus for attaching pumps to bungs of barrels | |
60,418 | Dec. 11, 1866 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in sewing-machines | |
RE2,588 | Apr. 30, 1867 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in device for stopping and changing motion | |
D3,611 | Aug. 10, 1869 | F.A. Pratt | Design for an upright drill | drill presses |
93,903 | Aug. 17, 1869 | F.A. Pratt | Metal Planing | metal planers |
100,064 | Feb. 22, 1870 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in friction-clutches | industrial machine clutches |
D4,439 | Oct. 25, 1870 | F.A. Pratt | Design for a drilling-machine | drill presses |
112,379 | Mar. 07, 1871 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in machines for shaping and cutting gear-cutters | |
164,391 | Jun. 15, 1875 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in metal-shearing machines | |
164,392 | Jun. 15, 1875 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in drop-hammers | |
168,412 | Oct. 05, 1875 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in cranes | cranes |