Patents for W. H. Burridge |
Patents 1 -
of 49
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
14,101 | Jan. 15, 1856 | A. Kendall | Shingle-machine | shingle machines |
16,326 | Jan. 06, 1857 | W. Cady | Crosscut-sawing machine | firewood machines |
19,406 | Feb. 23, 1858 | G.W. Billings | Dovetailing-Tool | dovetailing machines |
19,518 | Mar. 02, 1858 | H.C. Smith | Improvement in harvester-fingers | harvesters |
19,620 | Mar. 16, 1858 | T.A. Chandler | Combined Bevel-Fillister and Rabbet Plane | rabbet planes |
23,250 | Mar. 15, 1859 | H.S. Ingraham, H.C. Ingraham | Rotary planing-machine | wood planers |
25,014 | Aug. 09, 1859 | G.R. Hay | Improved machine for cutting out wooden ware | specialty woodworking machines |
28,080 | May 01, 1860 | A. Hemenway | Machine for bending fellies | wheelwright |
30,425 | Oct. 16, 1860 | S. Roberts | Improved method of making barrels | barrel making machines |
31,934 | Apr. 02, 1861 | J. Nevison | Stave-machine | barrel making machines |
32,072 | Apr. 16, 1861 | C. Luther | Wheelwright's machine | wheelwright |
33,199 | Sep. 03, 1861 | S. Inman | Improvement in Gages for Clapboards | clapboard markers |
33,324 | Sep. 17, 1861 | A. Leonard | Boring Wood | portable timber mortisers |
34,396 | Feb. 11, 1862 | L.S. Fairchild | Improvement in shingle-machines | shingle machines |
34,847 | Apr. 01, 1862 | S. Roberts | Improvement in barrel-making machines | barrel making machines |