Patents for James H. Bancroft |
Patents 1 -
of 18
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
20,379 | May 25, 1858 | G.C. Taft | Reverse double screw nut wrench | nut wrenches |
23,725 | Apr. 19, 1859 | G.C. Taft | Improved Double Acting Screw-Wrench | nut wrenches |
23,798 | Apr. 26, 1859 | G.C. Taft | Improved Double-Acting Screw and Rack Wrench. | nut wrenches |
24,247 | May 31, 1859 | G.C. Taft | Manufacturing the Heads and Shanks of Screw Wrenches | wrench jaw components |
28,020 | Apr. 24, 1860 | G.C. Taft | Letter Copying Press | |
30,431 | Oct. 16, 1860 | G.C. Taft | Improvement in Screw-Wrenches | screw adjust wrenches |
30,774 | Nov. 27, 1860 | G.C. Taft | Drill Frame | drill presses |
31,835 | Mar. 26, 1861 | T.F. Taft | Shear and punch | metal punching machines |
34,137 | Jan. 14, 1862 | J. Edgecomb | Improvement in boring-machines | drilling and boring |
40,590 | Nov. 10, 1863 | G.C. Taft | Improvement in Wrenches | nut wrenches |
41,747 | Feb. 23, 1864 | G.C. Taft | Improved Screw-Wrench | nut wrenches |
43,775 | Aug. 09, 1864 | J.N. Jacobs | Making Files | files |
55,932 | Jun. 26, 1866 | G.C. Taft | Improvement In Wrenches | wrench handle components |
80,237 | Jul. 21, 1868 | G.C. Taft | Improvement in Wrenches | screw adjust wrenches |
89,517 | Apr. 27, 1869 | G.C. Taft | Improvement in Wrench | wrench jaw components |