Patents for Ezra Ripley |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,295X | Dec. 22, 1825 | E. Ripley | Mortising machine | mortising machines |
7,901X | Dec. 27, 1833 | E. Ripley | Wash stand | |
9,341X | Jan. 23, 1836 | E. Ripley | Stove-pipes | stove pipes |
6,510 | Jun. 05, 1849 | E. Ripley | Chills for casting rasps, files, &c. | tool making machines |
16,997 | Apr. 07, 1857 | E. Ripley | Improved Adjustable Pincer-Wrench | wrench combination tools |
29,620 | Aug. 14, 1860 | E. Ripley | Improved Adjustable Wrench and Pincers | wrench combination tools |
30,987 | Dec. 18, 1860 | E. Ripley | Improvements in Wrenches | screw adjust wrenches |
31,034 | Jan. 01, 1861 | E. Ripley | Improvements in Wrenches for Turning Pipes, Round Bolts, and Similar Articles | pipe wrenches |
93,906 | Aug. 17, 1869 | E. Ripley | Improvement in Tool-Holder | tool handles |