Patents for P. E. Teschemacher |
Patents 16 -
of 55
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
29,534 | Aug. 07, 1860 | B.D. Whitney | Automatic lathe | wood lathes |
31,759 | Mar. 19, 1861 | W. Woodbury | Spring-tackle for the sheets of fore-and-aft-rigged sails | boats and ships |
35,790 | Jul. 01, 1862 | J.A. Talpey | Improvement in handsawing-machines | tablesaws |
37,332 | Jan. 06, 1863 | J.C. Chapman | Improvement in machines for drawing bolts and spikes | nail extractors |
38,135 | Apr. 07, 1863 | J.S. Shattuck, D. Shattuck | Improved machine for cutting rasps | making files |
39,173 | Jul. 07, 1863 | F. Robbins | Improved chuck for turning staves | wood lathe chucks |
39,562 | Aug. 18, 1863 | J.B. Francis | Improvement in shaft-bearings | turbine water wheels |
42,560 | May 03, 1864 | J.C. Chapman | Ratchet Drill | ratchet drills |
43,150 | Jun. 14, 1864 | W. Woodbury | Improved tackle for fore and aft sails | boats and ships |
45,693 | Jan. 03, 1865 | A.H. Brainard | Vise | |
RE1,881 | Feb. 21, 1865 | M.D. Whipple | Improvement in Machines for Cutting Files | making files |
50,748 | Oct. 31, 1865 | J.C. Chapman, D.C. Stillson | Improved Tool for Turning Gas-Pipe, etc. | pipe wrenches |
59,567 | Nov. 13, 1866 | L.H. Dwelley | Improvement in machines for making plugs for barrels | bung making machines |
60,155 | Dec. 04, 1866 | R.W. Drew | Turning Lathe | metal lathes |
62,618 | Mar. 05, 1867 | L.H. Dwelley | Improvement in wood-turning lathe | spool or bobbin machines |