Patents for P. E. Teschemacher |
Patents 1 -
of 55
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
14,984 | May 27, 1856 | E.T. Miller | Hatmaker's caliper for measuring heads | milliner |
15,749 | Sep. 16, 1856 | D.D. Tupper | Shingle-machine | shingle machines |
16,506 | Jan. 27, 1857 | E. Wheeler | Vise | |
16,513 | Jan. 27, 1857 | S. Sawyer | Machine for planing hoops | wood planers |
17,106 | Apr. 21, 1857 | A. McKenzie | Combined Square, Miter Square, and Bevel | miter squares |
17,141 | Apr. 28, 1857 | D.T. Drake | Machine for mortising the stiles of blind-slats | mortising machines |
17,992 | Aug. 11, 1857 | B.D. Whitney | Machine for smoothing planed wooden surfaces | wood planers |
19,325 | Feb. 09, 1858 | A.R. Davis | Corn Husker | corn huskers |
20,345 | May 25, 1858 | J.P. Grosvenor | Machine for cutting moldings on irregular forms | wood shapers |
21,250 | Aug. 24, 1858 | M.D. Whipple, R.B. Fitts | Improvement in Sewing Machines | sewing machines |
21,866 | Oct. 26, 1858 | S. Adams | Improvement in tools for manufacturing wire riddles | |
21,928 | Oct. 26, 1858 | C. Rider | Improvement in water-motors | water wheels |
26,627 | Dec. 27, 1859 | B.F. Sturtevant | Machine for making shoe-peg blanks | wood lathes |
27,085 | Feb. 07, 1860 | E. Townsend | Pegging machine | shoemaking |
28,947 | Jun. 26, 1860 | M.D. Whpple | File | files |