Patents for Alexander Gordon |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
7,323X | Dec. 08, 1832 | J.P. Bakewell, A. Gordon | Glass hones | honing tools |
36,611 | Oct. 07, 1862 | A. Gordon | Grain Separator | corn and grain separators |
91,841 | Jun. 29, 1869 | G.A. Gray, Jr. | Nut Mandrel | mandrels and arbors |
252,030 | Jan. 10, 1882 | A. Gordon | Railroad Car Axle Lathe | axle lathes |
258,533 | May 23, 1882 | G.T. Reiss, A. Gordon | Adjusting-gearing | drill presses |
263,334 | Aug. 29, 1882 | J.W. See, A. Gordon | Lathe Rest | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
340,207 | Apr. 20, 1886 | A. Gordon | Lathe | car wheel lathes |
362,618 | May 10, 1887 | A. Gordon | Drilling-machine | drill presses |
579,976 | Apr. 06, 1897 | A. Gordon | Reciprocating metal-paring machine | metal planers |