Patents for William Tusch |
Patents 1 -
of 28
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
12,502 | Mar. 13, 1855 | J.M. Bottum | Polishing Apparatus for Watchmakers' Lathes | watchmakers lathes |
12,767 | Apr. 24, 1855 | J.H. Thompson | Machine for Planing Metals | metal planers |
12,916 | May 22, 1855 | R.J. Marcher | Tool for grooving moldings | molders |
12,917 | May 22, 1855 | R.J. Marcher | Tool for grooving moldings | molders |
13,096 | Jun. 19, 1855 | J. Newton | Method of securing cutters to rotary disks | cutterheads |
13,234 | Jul. 10, 1855 | S.W. Soule | Excavator | excavators |
13,236 | Jul. 10, 1855 | A. Stoeckel | Machine for cutting legs for pianos, tables, &c. | wood lathes |
13,606 | Sep. 25, 1855 | E.R. Morrison, A. Wyckoff | Boring-machine | woodworking horizontal borers |
14,991 | May 27, 1856 | J.F. Allen | Operating slide-valves for steam-engines | steam engine valve gear |
15,178 | Jun. 24, 1856 | G.C. Ehrsam | Method of felling trees by saws | tree felling machines |
15,327 | Jul. 15, 1856 | P.C. Cambridge, Jr. | Gage lathe | wood lathes |
15,438 | Jul. 29, 1856 | T.T. Prosser | Sawing machine | scrollsaws |
15,441 | Jul. 29, 1856 | N. Ruger | Device for carving wood | carving machines |
16,081 | Nov. 11, 1856 | J.F. Willey | Excavator | excavators |
16,781 | Mar. 10, 1857 | J.F. Allen | Improvement in cut-offs for steam-engines | steam engine valve gear |