Patents for T. F. Bourne |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
536,416 | Mar. 26, 1895 | J.L. Bogert | Milling-machine | milling machines |
542,461 | Jul. 09, 1895 | J.L. Bogert | Milling-machine | milling machines |
554,047 | Feb. 04, 1896 | J.L. Bogert | Changeable-speed gearing | metalworking machine gearing |
785,329 | Mar. 21, 1905 | C.O. Rasmussen | Rule | rule accessories |
796,106 | Aug. 01, 1905 | J.L. Bogert | Internal-combustion heat-engine | gas and gasoline engines |
820,244 | May 08, 1906 | W. McMurray | Box-hinging machine | box making machines |
836,360 | Nov. 20, 1906 | J.L. Bogert | Crank-axle lathe | metal lathes |
896,911 | Aug. 25, 1908 | M. Himoff | Machine for making mouthpiece cigarette-tubes | tobacco machinery |
920,420 | May 04, 1909 | J.L. Bogert | Crank-axle lathe | metal lathes |
1,032,408 | Jul. 16, 1912 | M. Himoff | Radial drill-press | radial drill presses |
1,032,409 | Jul. 16, 1912 | M. Himoff | Radial drill-press | radial drill presses |
1,171,123 | Feb. 08, 1916 | M. Himoff | Drill-press | drill presses |