Patents for John H. Shumway |
Patents 1 -
of 27
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
51,967 | Jan. 09, 1866 | W. Schollhorn, F.P. Pfleghar | Improvement in Compasses and Calipers | calipers |
52,335 | Jan. 30, 1866 | N.C. Stiles | Clutch | metal punching machines |
55,704 | Jun. 19, 1866 | A. Pond | Improved Tack-Hammer | tack hammers |
57,934 | Sep. 11, 1866 | E. Lyman | Screw Gage | special purpose gauges |
61,503 | Jan. 29, 1867 | H.D. Barnes | Improvement in shingle machines | shingle machines |
61,900 | Feb. 05, 1867 | A. Warner | Improvement in hubs for carriage-wheels | wheelwright |
67,644 | Aug. 13, 1867 | G. Gilbert, A.N. Allen | Improvement in ironing machines | |
71,440 | Nov. 26, 1867 | H.D. Barnes | Improvement in floor-clamps | floor clamps |
71,442 | Nov. 26, 1867 | A.B. Bean | Improvement in knife-sharpener | sharpening apparatus |
71,983 | Dec. 10, 1867 | G.H. Coe, G.H. Snow | Improvement in clamps | hand screws |
75,198 | Mar. 03, 1868 | J. Root | Improved bolt-heading machine | nut or bolt making machines |
77,347 | Apr. 28, 1868 | A.B. Bean | Improvement in nut machines | nut or bolt making machines |
79,193 | Jun. 23, 1868 | C. Bishop | Shears | |
86,605 | Feb. 02, 1869 | I.P. Tice | Improvement in molding-machines | wood shapers |
88,214 | Mar. 23, 1869 | J. Root | Improved bolt-heading machine | nut or bolt making machines |