Patents for Gustavus H. Zschech |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
249,721 | Nov. 15, 1881 | G.H. Zschech | Saw-guide | circular saw accessories |
250,034 | Nov. 22, 1881 | G.H. Zschech | Head-block for saw-mills | sawmill headblocks |
250,472 | Dec. 06, 1881 | G.H. Zschech | Wheel for saw-mill carriages | sawmill carriages |
262,551 | Aug. 08, 1882 | G.H. Zschech | Bearing for circular-saw shafts | circular sawmills |
266,003 | Oct. 17, 1882 | G.H. Zschech | Saw-mill feed mechanism | sawmill feed works |
284,703 | Sep. 11, 1883 | G.H. Zschech | Belt-tightener | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
356,220 | Jan. 18, 1887 | G.H. Zschech | Saw-catcher for band-saw mills | woodworking machine safety guards |