Patents for Theodore Bergner |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
13,878 | Dec. 04, 1855 | M. Keller | Machine for cutting fronts and backs of violins | specialty woodworking machines |
13,932 | Dec. 11, 1855 | A.D. Highfield | Method of adjusting circular saws obliquely to their shafts | circular saws |
14,789 | Apr. 29, 1856 | S.W. Lowe | Machine for Embossing and Printing | printing presses |
17,823 | Jul. 14, 1857 | W.H. Harrison | Mode of cutting tenons by two circular saws oblique to the shaft | tenoning machines |
27,478 | Mar. 13, 1860 | W. Sellers | Turning Lathe | metal lathe chucks |
39,313 | Jul. 21, 1863 | W. Sellers | Improvement in the Giffard injector | feedwater apparatus |
42,797 | May 17, 1864 | W. Sellers | Improvement in Machines for Planing Iron | metal planers |
43,137 | Jun. 14, 1864 | W. Sellers | Metal Planing Machine | metal planers |
55,723 | Jun. 19, 1866 | W. Sellers | Machine for Planing Metal | metal planers |
74,609 | Feb. 18, 1868 | W. Sellers | Lathe for Turning Iron | engine lathes |
98,423 | Dec. 28, 1869 | W. Sellers | Lathe | engine lathes |