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Patents for Theodore Bergner
Patents 1 - 11 of 11
First set of recordsLast set of records
13,878Dec. 04, 1855M. KellerMachine for cutting fronts and backs of violinsspecialty woodworking machines
13,932Dec. 11, 1855A.D. HighfieldMethod of adjusting circular saws obliquely to their shaftscircular saws
14,789Apr. 29, 1856S.W. LoweMachine for Embossing and Printingprinting presses
17,823Jul. 14, 1857W.H. HarrisonMode of cutting tenons by two circular saws oblique to the shafttenoning machines
27,478Mar. 13, 1860W. SellersTurning Lathemetal lathe chucks
39,313Jul. 21, 1863W. SellersImprovement in the Giffard injectorfeedwater apparatus
42,797May 17, 1864W. SellersImprovement in Machines for Planing Ironmetal planers
43,137Jun. 14, 1864W. SellersMetal Planing Machinemetal planers
55,723Jun. 19, 1866W. SellersMachine for Planing Metalmetal planers
74,609Feb. 18, 1868W. SellersLathe for Turning Ironengine lathes
98,423Dec. 28, 1869W. SellersLatheengine lathes
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