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Patents for William E. Canedy
Patents 1 - 15 of 20
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
91,519Jun. 22, 1869W.E. CanedyImproved stove-pipe shelf and drierstove pipes
184,503Nov. 21, 1876W.E. CanedyImprovement in combined anvil and viseblacksmith
192,975Jul. 10, 1877F. Larson, W.E. CanedyPortable Forgeblacksmith
204,003May 21, 1878W.E. Canedy, E.E. LeachImprovement in fence-posts
343,983Jun. 22, 1886W.E. CanedyPotato-cutter
380,018Mar. 27, 1888W.E. CanedyDrilling-machinedrill presses
380,019Mar. 27, 1888W.E. CanedyCombined anvil and viseanvils
422,569Mar. 04, 1890W.E. CanedyDrilling-machineblacksmith
425,655Apr. 15, 1890W.E. CanedyScrew-cutting die and stocktaps and dies
426,362Apr. 22, 1890W.E. CanedyCombined Anvil and Visebench vises
435,279Aug. 26, 1890W.E. CanedyTreadle mechanismindustrial machine mechanisms
445,922Feb. 03, 1891W.E. CanedyFriction clutchindustrial machine clutches
464,492Dec. 08, 1891W.E. CanedyFriction-clutchmetalworking power transmission
483,533Oct. 04, 1892W.E. CanedyClutchmetalworking power transmission
D27,518Aug. 10, 1897W.E. CanedyDesign for a blower-frameblowers
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