Patents for John Bell |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
5,107X | May 09, 1828 | J. Bell | Water wheels with moveable paddles for streams without dams | water wheels |
13,696 | Oct. 23, 1855 | J. Bell | Dovetailing-machine | dovetailing machines |
29,051 | Jul. 10, 1860 | J. Bell | Method of operating the cutter in dovetailing-machines | dovetailing machines |
56,883 | Aug. 07, 1866 | J. Bell | Improvement in stave-cutting machines | barrel making machines |
157,450 | Dec. 08, 1874 | J. Foulke, J. Hunt | Woodworkers Vise | woodworkers vises |
157,989 | Dec. 22, 1874 | W.W. Duffield | Improvement in sawing-machines | reciprocating saws |
179,404 | Jul. 04, 1876 | T.M. Douglass | Improvement in machines for jointing staves | barrel making machines |
439,321 | Oct. 28, 1890 | J.B. Burrell | Machine for cutting boards | sawmill carriages |