Patents for Worth Osgood |
Patents 1 -
of 21
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
231,181 | Aug. 17, 1880 | M.G. Lewis | Pipe-grip | pipe and chain vises |
262,613 | Aug. 15, 1882 | J. Pitt | Corkscrew | mechanical cork extractors |
279,260 | Jun. 12, 1883 | M.G. Lewis | Bench Vise | bench vises |
295,676 | Mar. 25, 1884 | G. Ross | Air-pump | |
418,521 | Dec. 31, 1889 | J. Kenney | Pipe Wrench Attachment for Monkey Wrenches | pipe jaw attachments for wrenches |
466,466 | Jan. 05, 1892 | M.G. Lewis | Bench Vise | bench vises |
472,674 | Apr. 12, 1892 | M.G. Lewis | Lewis Tool Co. Model No. 38 | vises |
493,364 | Mar. 14, 1893 | M.G. Lewis | Bench vise | bench vises |
498,288 | May 30, 1893 | J.E. Mulford | Bench VIse | bench vises |
514,012 | Feb. 06, 1894 | M.G. Lewis | Bench Vise | bench vises |
523,311 | Jul. 17, 1894 | G.F. Haven | Pipe-vise | pipe and chain vises |
596,661 | Jan. 04, 1898 | M.G. Lewis | Quick-release vise | bench vises |
597,681 | Jan. 18, 1898 | M.G. Lewis | Vise for holding bicycle frames | bench vises |
600,968 | Mar. 22, 1898 | S. Montgomery | Pipe Wrench | self-adjust wrenches |
605,106 | Jun. 07, 1898 | M.G. Lewis | Sliding-bar vise | bench vises |