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Patents for Charles C. Baldwin
Patents 1 - 15 of 18
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
268,523Dec. 05, 1882J. NesbittElectric device for operating the throttle-valves of steam-enginessteam engine valve gear
CA-20,601Nov. 20, 1884A.H. McQuilkenCombined and Handy Tool For Skaterswrenches
336,380Feb. 16, 1886A. BertramSawsawblades
346,369Jul. 27, 1886I.M. HouseShingle-sawing machineshingle machines
363,758May 24, 1887T.H. Noxon, J. NoxonSeeding-machine
366,246Jul. 12, 1887R.W. PhilipsSelf-Adjusting Pipe Wrenchself-adjust wrenches
CA-31,642Jun. 22, 1889J.C. McLachlanImprovement in harvestersharvesters
D19,627Jan. 28, 1890C. LeveyDesign for a hot-water or steam radiatorhousehold
CA-34,152Apr. 21, 1890J.C. McLachlanDriving mechanism for harvester bindersharvesters
428,945May 27, 1890C.T. PhillipsMachine For Oiling the Axles of Vehiclesaxle nut wrenches
CA-34,491Jun. 09, 1890T. NortheyAutomatic low water indicatorstationary boilers
433,842Aug. 05, 1890W.J. WorkmanBuilder's Plumbplumb bobs
434,292Aug. 12, 1890T.H. NoxonSeeding-machine
434,818Aug. 19, 1890E.E. WoodCan-openercombination cork extractors
438,415Oct. 14, 1890F. HardingeWatch-maker's polisherwatchmaker
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