Patents for Charles C. Baldwin |
Patents 1 -
of 18
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
268,523 | Dec. 05, 1882 | J. Nesbitt | Electric device for operating the throttle-valves of steam-engines | steam engine valve gear |
CA-20,601 | Nov. 20, 1884 | A.H. McQuilken | Combined and Handy Tool For Skaters | wrenches |
336,380 | Feb. 16, 1886 | A. Bertram | Saw | sawblades |
346,369 | Jul. 27, 1886 | I.M. House | Shingle-sawing machine | shingle machines |
363,758 | May 24, 1887 | T.H. Noxon, J. Noxon | Seeding-machine | |
366,246 | Jul. 12, 1887 | R.W. Philips | Self-Adjusting Pipe Wrench | self-adjust wrenches |
CA-31,642 | Jun. 22, 1889 | J.C. McLachlan | Improvement in harvesters | harvesters |
D19,627 | Jan. 28, 1890 | C. Levey | Design for a hot-water or steam radiator | household |
CA-34,152 | Apr. 21, 1890 | J.C. McLachlan | Driving mechanism for harvester binders | harvesters |
428,945 | May 27, 1890 | C.T. Phillips | Machine For Oiling the Axles of Vehicles | axle nut wrenches |
CA-34,491 | Jun. 09, 1890 | T. Northey | Automatic low water indicator | stationary boilers |
433,842 | Aug. 05, 1890 | W.J. Workman | Builder's Plumb | plumb bobs |
434,292 | Aug. 12, 1890 | T.H. Noxon | Seeding-machine | |
434,818 | Aug. 19, 1890 | E.E. Wood | Can-opener | combination cork extractors |
438,415 | Oct. 14, 1890 | F. Hardinge | Watch-maker's polisher | watchmaker |