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Patents for H. M. Munday
Patents 1 - 15 of 18
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
232,326Sep. 21, 1880S. BabcockMachine for sawing clapboardsclapboard machines
239,338Mar. 29, 1881F.V. PhillipsTransom-fixturedoor and window hardware
277,859May 15, 1883R.J. WellesCountersinks for Chamfering Bits and Drillscountersinks
314,229Mar. 24, 1885J.R. CrossWood-bending machinewood bending machines
335,582Feb. 09, 1886R. HegenerCutter-headscutterheads
379,504Mar. 13, 1888J. ByrneCombined Wrench and Clamp for Tire-Boltstire bolt wrenches
409,324Aug. 20, 1889C.C. HillPerforating-stampoffice worker
418,167Dec. 31, 1889T.E. CopelinScrewdriverscrewdrivers
472,074Apr. 05, 1892F.V. PhillipsSash-pulleydoor and window hardware
474,686May 10, 1892J.L. PerrySandpapering-machinesanding machines
486,858Nov. 29, 1892B.F. CumminsPerforating-stampoffice worker
518,561Apr. 17, 1894H.P. BrownElectric motorelectric motors
518,562Apr. 17, 1894H.P. BrownArmature for electric motorsmotor armatures
570,500Nov. 03, 1896E. ProutyGasolene or Vapor Enginegas and gasoline engines
587,514Aug. 03, 1897J.W. TaylorCombined Bicycle Pump and Wrenchbicycle or pocket wrenches
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