Patents for H. M. Munday |
Patents 1 -
of 18
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
232,326 | Sep. 21, 1880 | S. Babcock | Machine for sawing clapboards | clapboard machines |
239,338 | Mar. 29, 1881 | F.V. Phillips | Transom-fixture | door and window hardware |
277,859 | May 15, 1883 | R.J. Welles | Countersinks for Chamfering Bits and Drills | countersinks |
314,229 | Mar. 24, 1885 | J.R. Cross | Wood-bending machine | wood bending machines |
335,582 | Feb. 09, 1886 | R. Hegener | Cutter-heads | cutterheads |
379,504 | Mar. 13, 1888 | J. Byrne | Combined Wrench and Clamp for Tire-Bolts | tire bolt wrenches |
409,324 | Aug. 20, 1889 | C.C. Hill | Perforating-stamp | office worker |
418,167 | Dec. 31, 1889 | T.E. Copelin | Screwdriver | screwdrivers |
472,074 | Apr. 05, 1892 | F.V. Phillips | Sash-pulley | door and window hardware |
474,686 | May 10, 1892 | J.L. Perry | Sandpapering-machine | sanding machines |
486,858 | Nov. 29, 1892 | B.F. Cummins | Perforating-stamp | office worker |
518,561 | Apr. 17, 1894 | H.P. Brown | Electric motor | electric motors |
518,562 | Apr. 17, 1894 | H.P. Brown | Armature for electric motors | motor armatures |
570,500 | Nov. 03, 1896 | E. Prouty | Gasolene or Vapor Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
587,514 | Aug. 03, 1897 | J.W. Taylor | Combined Bicycle Pump and Wrench | bicycle or pocket wrenches |