Patents for Richard Varick De Witt |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
14,779 | Apr. 29, 1856 | B. Rowe | Wrench | screw adjust wrenches |
15,702 | Sep. 09, 1856 | T. Mitchell | Machine for manufacturing the wooden part of brushes | specialty woodworking machines |
16,534 | Feb. 03, 1857 | S.C. Ellis | Machine for cutting tenons on blind slats | tenoning machines |
19,056 | Jan. 05, 1858 | A.N. Wilcox | Lathe for turning wood | wood lathes |
21,746 | Oct. 12, 1858 | J. Dodge | Grinding and polishing knives | |
RE2,229 | Apr. 17, 1866 | J.M. Horton | Improvement in Attaching Augers to their Handles | auger handles |