Patents for John Hastings |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,566X | Aug. 14, 1822 | J. Hastings | Manufacturing of isinglass | |
10,136 | Oct. 18, 1853 | D.J. George, N. Millington | Machine for Figuring Carpenter's Squares | tool making machines |
11,489 | Aug. 08, 1854 | D.J. George, N. Millington | Machine for Graduating Carpenters' Squares | tool making machines |
13,225 | Jul. 10, 1855 | O. Parkhurst, D. Bullock | Machine for cutting screws on bedsteads | wood lathes |
13,227 | Jul. 10, 1855 | F.A. Parker | Saw Set | |
16,817 | Mar. 10, 1857 | H. Whipple | Machine for Stamping Figures on Carpenters' Squares | making rules |
22,394 | Dec. 21, 1858 | N.S. White, A. Denio | Method of attaching cutting-tips to auger-shanks | tool making machines |