Patents for William F. Davis |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
97,040 | Nov. 23, 1869 | M. Buck | Improvement in blind-mortising machines | windowblind machines |
349,473 | Sep. 21, 1886 | M. Bacon | Embroidery-frame | |
352,850 | Nov. 16, 1886 | M.E. Beasley | Process of making barrels | barrel making machines |
563,140 | Jun. 30, 1896 | W.F. Davis | Cylinder for Explosive Engines | internal combustion engines |
577,158 | Feb. 16, 1897 | W.F. Davis | Electric Igniter for Explosive Engines | ignition systems |
583,982 | Jun. 08, 1897 | W.F. Davis | Gasolene and Gas Engine | |
627,669 | Jun. 27, 1899 | C.H. Jenkins | Roller Remover | hand vises |
650,395 | May 29, 1900 | C.H. Jenkins | Watchmaker's hand-vise | watchmaker |
660,073 | Oct. 16, 1900 | W.F. Davis | Means for Cooling Explosive-Engines | cooling apparatus |
693,399 | Feb. 18, 1902 | C.H. Jenkins | Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
772,325 | Oct. 11, 1904 | O.O. Aune | Watch Roller and Hand Remover | watchmaker |