Patents for S. H. Wales |
Patents 1 -
of 26
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
7,852 | Dec. 24, 1850 | T.H. Burridge | Means for Preventing BackLash in the Feed-Motion of Planing Machines | metal planers |
7,912 | Jan. 21, 1851 | A.A. Wilder | Leeway-indicator | |
7,978 | Mar. 11, 1851 | A.A. Wilder | Copying-press | |
8,216 | Jul. 15, 1851 | J.M. Bottum | Mode of Securing Pinions and Staffs of Watches in Lathe or Bench Chucks | watchmakers lathes |
8,245 | Jul. 22, 1851 | W. Hawkins | Stave-dressing machine | barrel making machines |
8,522 | Nov. 18, 1851 | S. Curtis | Machine for cutting combs | comb making machines |
8,554 | Dec. 02, 1851 | W. Bushnell | Hand-drill | drill presses |
8,852 | Apr. 06, 1852 | W.C. Bronson | Reciprocating gang sawmill | reciprocating sawmills |
9,567 | Feb. 01, 1853 | G.B. Read | Improved Screw-Wrench | nut wrenches |
9,651 | Apr. 05, 1853 | S. Rust | Sector-press | metal shearing machines |
10,556 | Feb. 21, 1854 | C.F. Packard | Improved machine for cutting laths | lath making machines |
10,710 | Mar. 28, 1854 | T.G. Stagg | Machine for tenoning, &c., blind-slats | windowblind machines |
10,739 | Apr. 04, 1854 | C. Hart | Machine for cutting veneers | veneer machines |
10,882 | May 09, 1854 | W.J. Casselman | Improved hub-borer | drilling and boring |
11,107 | Jun. 20, 1854 | E. Allen | Improved veneer-polisher | belt sanders |