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Patents for S. H. Wales
Patents 1 - 15 of 26
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
7,852Dec. 24, 1850T.H. BurridgeMeans for Preventing BackLash in the Feed-Motion of Planing Machinesmetal planers
7,912Jan. 21, 1851A.A. WilderLeeway-indicator
7,978Mar. 11, 1851A.A. WilderCopying-press
8,216Jul. 15, 1851J.M. BottumMode of Securing Pinions and Staffs of Watches in Lathe or Bench Chuckswatchmakers lathes
8,245Jul. 22, 1851W. HawkinsStave-dressing machinebarrel making machines
8,522Nov. 18, 1851S. CurtisMachine for cutting combscomb making machines
8,554Dec. 02, 1851W. BushnellHand-drilldrill presses
8,852Apr. 06, 1852W.C. BronsonReciprocating gang sawmillreciprocating sawmills
9,567Feb. 01, 1853G.B. ReadImproved Screw-Wrenchnut wrenches
9,651Apr. 05, 1853S. RustSector-pressmetal shearing machines
10,556Feb. 21, 1854C.F. PackardImproved machine for cutting lathslath making machines
10,710Mar. 28, 1854T.G. StaggMachine for tenoning, &c., blind-slatswindowblind machines
10,739Apr. 04, 1854C. HartMachine for cutting veneersveneer machines
10,882May 09, 1854W.J. CasselmanImproved hub-borerdrilling and boring
11,107Jun. 20, 1854E. AllenImproved veneer-polisherbelt sanders
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