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Patents for N. W. Stearns
Patents 16 - 28 of 28
First set of recordsPrevious set of recordsLast set of records
112,355Mar. 07, 1871T.E. KingImprovement in miter-machinesmiter boxes
114,824May 16, 1871A. HylandImprovement in filesfiles
142,584Sep. 09, 1873T. RiceImprovement in Splitting-Gagesslitting gauges
161,995Apr. 13, 1875D.L. ToppanImprovement in planing-machineswood planers
167,772Sep. 14, 1875M.C. MayoImproved Phillips Patent Plow Planeplane fences
167,884Sep. 21, 1875T.P. FarmerImprovement in Countersinkscountersinks
174,155Feb. 29, 1876J. RileyImproved Adjustable Wrenchscrew adjust wrenches
182,196Sep. 12, 1876L. HuntoonImprovement in compound steam-enginessteam engines
185,442Dec. 19, 1876P.A. GladwinImprovement in Match-Planesplane fences
191,026May 22, 1877J.A. CaldwellTool For Tightening and Fastening Straps For Securing Hose To Couplingpliers
197,717Dec. 04, 1877J.A. CaldwellImplement for Tightening and Fastening Straps or Bands Employed in Securing Hose to Couplingspliers
210,421Dec. 03, 1878G.W. GriffinImprovement in scroll-sawsscrollsaws
294,104Feb. 26, 1884H.E. WoodsTap And Reamer Wrenchtap wrenches and die stocks
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