Patents for N. W. Stearns |
Patents 16 -
of 28
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
112,355 | Mar. 07, 1871 | T.E. King | Improvement in miter-machines | miter boxes |
114,824 | May 16, 1871 | A. Hyland | Improvement in files | files |
142,584 | Sep. 09, 1873 | T. Rice | Improvement in Splitting-Gages | slitting gauges |
161,995 | Apr. 13, 1875 | D.L. Toppan | Improvement in planing-machines | wood planers |
167,772 | Sep. 14, 1875 | M.C. Mayo | Improved Phillips Patent Plow Plane | plane fences |
167,884 | Sep. 21, 1875 | T.P. Farmer | Improvement in Countersinks | countersinks |
174,155 | Feb. 29, 1876 | J. Riley | Improved Adjustable Wrench | screw adjust wrenches |
182,196 | Sep. 12, 1876 | L. Huntoon | Improvement in compound steam-engines | steam engines |
185,442 | Dec. 19, 1876 | P.A. Gladwin | Improvement in Match-Planes | plane fences |
191,026 | May 22, 1877 | J.A. Caldwell | Tool For Tightening and Fastening Straps For Securing Hose To Coupling | pliers |
197,717 | Dec. 04, 1877 | J.A. Caldwell | Implement for Tightening and Fastening Straps or Bands Employed in Securing Hose to Couplings | pliers |
210,421 | Dec. 03, 1878 | G.W. Griffin | Improvement in scroll-saws | scrollsaws |
294,104 | Feb. 26, 1884 | H.E. Woods | Tap And Reamer Wrench | tap wrenches and die stocks |