Patents for Birdsill Holly |
Patents 46 -
of 61
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
193,085 | Jul. 17, 1877 | B. Holly | Steam Generator | stationary boilers |
193,086 | Jul. 17, 1877 | B. Holly | Steam Apparatus | steam heating |
193,087 | Jul. 17, 1877 | B. Holly | Meter Valves | steam heating |
193,088 | Jul. 17, 1877 | B. Holly | Improvement in Street Mains or Pipes for Supplying Large Districts with Heat for Warming Buildings | steam apparatus |
CA-8,720 | Apr. 30, 1878 | B. Holly | Systeme de Chauffage a la Vapeur | steam heating |
CA-8,725 | Apr. 30, 1878 | B. Holly | Perfectionnement Dans Les Generateurs de Vapeur | stationary boilers |
CA-8,733 | Apr. 30, 1878 | B. Holly | Improvement in Meter Valves | steam heating |
CA-9,002 | Jul. 10, 1878 | B. Holly | Appareil Pour Utilizer la Vapeur Dans le Chauffage | steam heating |
CA-11,233 | May 10, 1880 | B. Holly | Perfectionnements Aux Caloriferes | steam heating |
232,821 | Oct. 05, 1880 | B. Holly | Steam Heating Radiator | steam heating |
241,217 | May 10, 1881 | B. Holly | Meter | steam heating |
RE9,730 | May 31, 1881 | B. Holly | Street-Main | steam heating |
246,952 | Sep. 13, 1881 | B. Holly | Steam Pressure Regulator | steam heating |
260,097 | Jun. 27, 1882 | B. Holly | Apparatus for Supplying Steam | steam heating |
262,670 | Aug. 15, 1882 | B. Holly | Tunnel for Underground Street Mains | steam heating |