Patents for George H. Knight |
Patents 1 -
of 145
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,835 | Oct. 30, 1849 | O. Rice | Improvement in wash-boards | washing machines |
8,042 | Apr. 15, 1851 | J.W. Robbins | Setting logs in sawmills | sawmills |
9,431 | Nov. 30, 1852 | J. Guild | Mortising-machine | mortising machines |
9,440 | Dec. 07, 1852 | R.S. Cramer, C.C. Blossom | Saw-gummer | saw gummers |
10,013 | Sep. 13, 1853 | G. Potts | Revolving Mandrel for Lining Cylinders with Metal | |
11,035 | Jun. 06, 1854 | I.R. Shank | Lath-machine | lath making machines |
11,407 | Aug. 01, 1854 | C.F. Bauersfeld | Bit for carving-machines | cutters |
12,580 | Mar. 27, 1855 | C.F. Bauersfeld | Clamp and mouthpiece for lumber-jointing machines | matchers |
16,290 | Dec. 23, 1856 | L. Skeels | Circle-cutting shear | tinsmith |
17,026 | Apr. 14, 1857 | J. Creager | Machine for sawing shingles | shingle machines |
18,588 | Nov. 10, 1857 | J.C. Hintz | Improved machine for turning spiral forms | rope and spiral cutting machines |
18,745 | Dec. 01, 1857 | J.C. Hintz | Machine for sawing beveled curves | scrollsaws |
18,960 | Dec. 29, 1857 | J. Davis | Machine for sawing hand-rails or stair-wreaths | specialty woodworking machines |
21,744 | Oct. 12, 1858 | J. Creager | Circular-sawing shingle-machine | shingle machines |
25,809 | Oct. 18, 1859 | J. Creager | Machine for sawing beveled curves | cylindrical saws |