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Patents for E. W. Johnson
Patents 1 - 15 of 20
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
286,561Oct. 09, 1883H.M. Vincent, W.N. SmithWrenchwrench jaw components
291,739Jan. 08, 1884J.C. IrvinStaple Pullerpliers
294,642Mar. 04, 1884O.A. LeeWrenchpipe and nut combination wrenches
299,427May 27, 1884W.L. ShepherdTraction Enginetraction engine suspensions
338,156Mar. 16, 1886M.E. JohnsonWeather-Boarding Gageclapboard markers
339,077Mar. 30, 1886J.H. SnyderWeather-Board Gageclapboard markers
340,488Apr. 20, 1886C.A. Funk, L.P. CroswellWrenchpipe and nut combination wrenches
347,157Aug. 10, 1886J.H. BowersPipe and Nut Wrenchpipe and nut combination wrenches
355,270Dec. 28, 1886P. JohnsonImprovements in Bolt-Holderspipe wrenches
380,072Mar. 27, 1888A.R. WyglePipe Wrenchpipe wrenches
401,926Apr. 23, 1889L.J. BergendahlPipe Wrenchchain and strap wrenches
439,531Oct. 28, 1890A. LeckAttachment for Lathesmetal lathe accessories and attachments
491,888Feb. 14, 1893C.H. HommelWrenchaxle nut wrenches that lock nut to wheel hub
511,155Dec. 19, 1893C.B. MerrittPipe Wrenchself-adjust wrenches
514,752Feb. 13, 1894E.A. HumphreyWrenchpipe and nut combination wrenches
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