Patents for E. W. Johnson |
Patents 1 -
of 20
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
286,561 | Oct. 09, 1883 | H.M. Vincent, W.N. Smith | Wrench | wrench jaw components |
291,739 | Jan. 08, 1884 | J.C. Irvin | Staple Puller | pliers |
294,642 | Mar. 04, 1884 | O.A. Lee | Wrench | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
299,427 | May 27, 1884 | W.L. Shepherd | Traction Engine | traction engine suspensions |
338,156 | Mar. 16, 1886 | M.E. Johnson | Weather-Boarding Gage | clapboard markers |
339,077 | Mar. 30, 1886 | J.H. Snyder | Weather-Board Gage | clapboard markers |
340,488 | Apr. 20, 1886 | C.A. Funk, L.P. Croswell | Wrench | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
347,157 | Aug. 10, 1886 | J.H. Bowers | Pipe and Nut Wrench | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
355,270 | Dec. 28, 1886 | P. Johnson | Improvements in Bolt-Holders | pipe wrenches |
380,072 | Mar. 27, 1888 | A.R. Wygle | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
401,926 | Apr. 23, 1889 | L.J. Bergendahl | Pipe Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |
439,531 | Oct. 28, 1890 | A. Leck | Attachment for Lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
491,888 | Feb. 14, 1893 | C.H. Hommel | Wrench | axle nut wrenches that lock nut to wheel hub |
511,155 | Dec. 19, 1893 | C.B. Merritt | Pipe Wrench | self-adjust wrenches |
514,752 | Feb. 13, 1894 | E.A. Humphrey | Wrench | pipe and nut combination wrenches |