Patents for George Smith |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,930X | May 28, 1813 | G. Smith | Preparing and manufacturing different parts of the asclepias or silk weed for thread or cordage | |
3,363X | Aug. 07, 1821 | G. Smith | Anti-Dyspeptic Pills | medical pills and syrups |
26,530 | Dec. 20, 1859 | G. Smith | Improvement in Grippers for Grasping and Turning Cylindrical Articles | pipe wrenches |
37,885 | Mar. 10, 1863 | J.B. Dougherty | Improved machine for sawing barrel-heads, shingles, etc. | cooper |
69,526 | Oct. 01, 1867 | G. Smith, J.N. Wrigley | Improvement in cut-off valve-gear | steam engine valve gear |
69,527 | Oct. 01, 1867 | G. Smith, J.N. Wrigley | Improvement in steam safety-valves | steam engine valves |
97,452 | Nov. 30, 1869 | G. Smith | Improvement in Clapboard-Gauge | clapboard markers |
116,440 | Jun. 27, 1871 | J. Heesen, H. Nyland, G. Heesen | Instrument for Ringing Hogs | hog ring |
566,140 | Aug. 18, 1896 | H.W. Congdon | Self-Registering Lumber-Measure | wheel-based measurers |
640,895 | Jan. 09, 1900 | F.W. Förster | Spoke tenoning machine | tenoning machines |
644,589 | Mar. 06, 1900 | F.W. Förster | Foot Power Hammer | drop hammers |