Patents for Charles C. Pierce |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
671,177 | Apr. 02, 1901 | J.V. Beekman | Derrick-engine | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
710,954 | Oct. 14, 1902 | H.N. Covell | Drum-reversing device for winding-engines | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
718,916 | Jan. 20, 1903 | H.N. Covell | Combined brake and friction operating mechanism | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
802,844 | Oct. 24, 1905 | C.A. Baechtold, H.N. Covell | Reversible driving device | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
816,640 | Apr. 03, 1906 | J. Butler | Logging apparatus | sawmill log handling |