Patents for Edgar A. Wright |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
676,481 | Jun. 18, 1901 | E.A. Wright | Straw Stacker | hay or straw stackers |
676,482 | Jun. 18, 1901 | E.A. Wright | Straw Stacker | hay or straw stackers |
676,483 | Jun. 18, 1901 | E.A. Wright | Pneumatic Straw Stacker | hay or straw stackers |
707,487 | Aug. 19, 1902 | E.A. Wright | Apparatus for Elevating or Conveying and Transferring Ice, &c | conveyors and hoppers |
707,488 | Aug. 19, 1902 | E.A. Wright | Apparatus for Elevating or Conveying and Transferring Ice, &c. | conveyors and hoppers |
707,489 | Aug. 19, 1902 | E.A. Wright | Apparatus for Elevating or Conveying and Transferring Ice, &c | conveyors and hoppers |
708,949 | Sep. 09, 1902 | E.A. Wright | Motor Vehicle | speed gearing and transmissions |